Snow Daze, the Threequel

I think I’m stuck in a time loop similar to that of the character Phil Connors in the movie Groundhog Day. Recently, each new day is a replay of the previous day:

It snows, I shovel; It snows, I shovel; It snows, I shovel; It snows, I shovel…

Snow Daze III We are now in the middle of the third significant snowstorm  of the season.  And, unlike the previous two, this one  is accompanied by wind gusts of up to 50 mph.   Not a good thing as neighborhoods here have lots of mature trees and aerial rather than underground  power, phone and cable feeds.  I hope I can get this written and posted before the power starts bouncing up and down, or worst case, goes out completely.

Snow Daze, the Sequel

I assumed our big snow for this winter occurred back in December.  Boy was I wrong.  We got hit with another Nor’easter that made the one that hit in December look like a preview of coming attractions.  As I sit here writing there is 23.5 inches (59.7 cm) or so of the white stuff covering our backyard.  It started snowing here on Friday afternoon and finally stopped on Saturday around 5 PM.

Click on the thumbnails to see full size pictures.

Groundhog Day 2010

Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this year so it looks like Winter will be around for at least six more weeks. Speaking of Winter, there is more snow expected here today. Predictions are for a dusting of no more than an inch or so. Prediction was the same this past Saturday. When all was said and done there were about six inches of snow on the ground.