Going Up, Part XVII

504stephen110901Construction is finished on the second McMansion to be built in our neighborhood.   The final landscaping has been completed, as has the deck we mentioned in Going Up, Part XVI.  As the builder said: “There’s only one more thing to be added for final completion; the Sold sign in the front yard.”

504stephen110902The back of the house, including the deck.

504stephen110903The north side of the house.

504stephen110904Another view of the house from the back yard.   Notice the First McMansion in the background.

504stephen110905The south side of the house.

502stephen060841Here’s the first McMansion, which sits between our house and the second McMansion.  It was built in 2006.

500stephen110901To put things in perspective, here’s a picture of our humble abode.  Our total first floor square footage is probably not much more than that of the master bedroom suite of the newest McMansion, which includes the bedroom, a sitting area, a huge master bathroom, and a walk-in closet that is nearly as large as the bedrooms in our house.

This is the final entry for the second McMansion. But don’t be too surprised if we start another of our “Going Up” series of posts in the not too distant future.

The Hurricane

This past Saturday, we had a visit from Hurricane Irene.  Fortunately, it was not as bad a expected, but the high winds and rain caused some flooding, minor property damage, extended power outages, and downed a number of trees in our area. 

Our neighborhood made it through unscathed and the power outage time was minimal.  The only visible evidence  that the hurricane had occurred was a number of fallen tree branches and a backyard that turned into “Camp Swampy.”

In one week’s time, we had an earthquake and a hurricane here.  What’s next?

Going Up, Part XVI

504stephen110804On the morning of 13 August 2011, two carpenters appeared and started building a deck. Although they were interrupted by a couple of rain showers, this is what they accomplished by day’s end.


Going Up, Part XV

I realized that all  of exterior pictures I’ve taken show a front view of the house.  To remedy this oversight, here are a number of pictures taken on 24 July 2011 that show the sides and back of the house.  At the right in this view, you can see the roughed-in support waiting for somebody to build a deck in the future.

This view shows the entrance to the basement.   Note the two air conditioners that service different zones within the house. 

504stephen_20110724-3During the early construction phase, I wondered what purpose this hole next to the basement wall served.

504stephen_20110724-4I finally realized that it’s purpose is to let natural light into the basement.  This is advertised as a feature in the sales brochure.

504stephen_20110724-5This is a view of the landscaping in the front yard.

504stephen_20110724-6You know it’s getting close to completion when finishing touches such as the house number appear.

The Long Hot Summer

temp_103_110729At 12:55 PM today, the thermometer on our deck read 103.5° F (39.7° C). The temperature is now a “tolerable” 98.8° F.  The weather forecasters are predicting a cold front arriving tomorrow with temperatures dropping into the low 90’s.  Guess I better get out the fall wardrobe.

Going Up, Part XIV

18 July 2011 – The lot has been graded and the final landscaping is in progress.  Not much left to be done now other than find someone with $1,285,000 who is looking to buy a new house!