If you’ve ever been involved in the design of a web site, or for that matter, any software system that has a human interface, this should sound familiar.
Please Make it look like Apple. I love it, but can you invert all colors?. Make it look like Apple. Do less with more. You can get my logo from Facebook. Can you make it pop. Can you put “find us on Facebook” by the Facebook logI need a website. How much will it cost can it handle a million in one go can you turn it around in Photoshop so we can see more of the front. Can you pimp this PowerPoint, need more geometry patterns can my website be in English? for do less with more I’ll pay you in a week we don’t need to pay upfront i hope you understand can we try some other colors maybe can you make the font bigger?. We don’t need a backup, it never goes down!.
In addition, can you rework to make the pizza look more delicious can you lower the price for the website? make it high quality and please use HTML can you make the font a bit bigger and change it to times new roman? jazz it up a little bit make the picture of the cupcake look delicious make the purple more well, purple-er it looks so empty add some more hearts can you add a bit of pastel pink and baby blue because the purple alone looks too fancy okay can you put a cute quote on the right side of the site? oh no it looks messed up! i think we need to start from scratch can we barter services? we try your eye, but can you change everything?
Turn it around in Photoshop so we can see more of the front can you turn it around in Photoshop so we can see more of the front can’t you just take a picture from the internet?
Although what you’ve given us is texty, we want sexy for I really like the color but can you change it. We need more images of groups of people having non-specific types of fun that’s great, but we need to add this 2000 line essay can you make pink a little more pinkish, yet anyway, you are the designer, you know what to do give us a complimentary logo along with the website. Can you make it pop.