Construction of the new house next door is moving right along. Looks like all the concrete work is done and they are about to start putting up the frame. Albout three truckloads of wood were dropped off yesterday. Guess the sound of hammers and nail guns will soon be here.
Author: Yunzer
Cowboys Lose
Yesterday, the Washington Redskins beat the Dallas Cowboys 35-7.
Day of Infamy
Its Pearl Harbor Day. Back in the early 1970’s, I worked wth a retired Navy guy who was there on 7 December 1941.
The contractor is moving right along on the McMansion being built next door. The foundation walls were poured last week, the forms were taken down last Friday and today they are waterproofng the basement walls.
And there is a big plie of gravel sitting out front.. I expect this wil be used when they do the basement floor.
A few days ago, they poured the footers for the foundation of the new McMansion being built next door. The contractor is back again today putting in the forms for pouring the basement walls.
The House Next Door