Doofus is now very busy doing real work 24 x 7…he’s hosting a web site and searching for extraterrestrial intelligence!
Phone home…
Not really, we just like the name…
Phone home…
Doofus is now very busy doing real work 24 x 7…he’s hosting a web site and searching for extraterrestrial intelligence!
You can never have too much…
So far so good…Doofus has been stabe for a week now…added 32M of RAM and that seems to have helped a lot. Got the RAM on eBAY for about $10.00…actually got 64M so I have some spare chips just in case!
Has a new home…
Doofus the Linux Box has undergone an upgrade. The hard drive on the ancient PC crashed so Doofus has moved up in class to a Pentium MMX PC. Be sure to visit Doofus at his new home.
Unusually big snow storm…
Its the “Storm of the Century” here in the DC Metro area. About 8 – 10 inches on the ground already and no letup in sight. Its not supposed to stop until sometime tomorrow. We’re getting snow at a rate of 1 to 2 inches per hour and its not supposed to stop until tomorrow morning (maybe!). All this in a place where one inch of snow usually brings everything to a dead stop!
Because Elwood was already taken…
Elwood the Linux box now has a web server up and running. Unfortunately, I couldn’t use Elwood’s name for the web site due to some technical issues. so I named it Doofus.
It actually works…
Found yet another way to waste time! Had an ancient PC (circa 1993) sitting around doing nothing so I decided to try and install Linux on it. Much to my amazement, I actually got it up and running in a reasonable amount of time and it is working quite well. Even got FTP and Web Servers installed on it. And have it talking to the other PCs on my home network. I used SlackWare Linux and am really impressed with it…especially since it costs absolutely nothing when downloaded over the Internet. So stay tuned to hear about the further adventures with “Elwood the Linux Box.”
Super Bowl tomorrow! Hope the ads are entertaining as there are more of them than anything else during the game.