The Big Yellow Wagon

Big Yellow Wagon

Many of you have no doubt heard of, or maybe even had, a “Little Red Wagon” at some point in your life. Well, I’ve gone upscale. I now have a “Big Yellow Wagon.” The wagon’s load capacity is rated at 1200 pounds. I have no plans to ever find out if this is indeed true, but I do know that it can carry two Jack Russell Terriers whose combined weight is about 35 pounds.



As is the case each Spring, the birds are back in town. And this year it seems a lot more woodpeckers than usual have moved into our neighborhood. You can hear them pecking away from dawn to dusk every day. There’s been a lot of new construction in the area lately, and with it, a fair number of older trees are disappearing. So maybe the woodpecker population is not really larger this year…could be that they’ve just moved into different neighborhoods.