He’s back! Based on past history, it might be safe to assume he won’t return again until 2036.
Category: Blog
Random stuff about HR and his world…
Susan G. Koman
The Susan G. Koman National Race for the Cure is going on today in Washington DC. We both signed up and made a donation, but unfortunately there is a family function today up in Carlisle, PA that my wife had to attend, so we will not make it downtown for the walk this year.
Rolling Thunder
It must be getting close to Memorial Day. Starting to see and hear lots of motorcycles and riders gathering for the annual Run for the Wall and Rolling Thunder parade this weekend.
Tall Grass

DOS and Chinese PCs
There’s was article today in Federal Computer Week about the Department of State’s (DOS) recent purchase of 16,000 or so PCs from Lenovo, a Chinese company with ties to the Chinese government. Seems a little bizarre to me that a US Government agency, especially one with a critical mission such as the DOS would this.
But, having done business with Uncle Sam for many years, I guess I should not be surprised… Lenovo was probably the low bidder and met the minimum requirements…and obviously, DOS viewed Lenovo as a qualified and reputable bidder.
Wonder how many PCs the Chinese government has purchased lately from Dell, Gateway and HP?
Armed Forces Day
Looked at the calendar and it says today is Armed Forces Day. I find it strange that there has been no mention of this in newspapers, or on radio or TV that I’ve seen or heard…especially here in the Washington DC area. Maybe I missed something or my calendar is wrong?
Nope, checked it out and today is indeed the day. Armed Forces Day is celebrated every year on the third Saturday in May.
So, here’s a “BIG THANKS” to all those who have served in the past and are currently serving our country from an old veteran.