Better late than never. My bionic left hip was 3,278 days (9 years) old on 29 March 2018. Today, on its 3,478th day of service, it has yet to rip, bust, collect dust, roll downhill, or unravel.
Category: Blog
Random stuff about HR and his world…
The Supremes
The current Supreme Court Justice confirmation Goat Rope is a classic example of the bipartisan use of each and every one of these fallacies.
He Loves a Parade
POTUS45 cancelled his military parade that had been planned to take place on or about Veteran’s Day. He used his favorite means of communicating with the masses to explain why the parade was canceled:
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
The local politicians who run Washington, D.C. (poorly) know a windfall when they see it. When asked to give us a price for holding a great celebratory military parade, they wanted a number so ridiculously high that I cancelled it. Never let someone hold you up! I will instead…
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
….attend the big parade already scheduled at Andrews Air Force Base on a different date, & go to the Paris parade, celebrating the end of the War, on November 11th. Maybe we will do something next year in D.C. when the cost comes WAY DOWN. Now we can buy some more jet fighters!
The total cost estimate for the parade has not been made public; however, some estimate it to be 80 to 90 million dollars. The D.C. government says its costs will be around 21 million dollars:
MurielBowser Retweeted Donald J. Trump
Yup, I’m Muriel Bowser, mayor of Washington DC, the local politician who finally got thru to the reality star in the White House with the realities ($21.6M) of parades/events/demonstrations in Trump America (sad).
FYI…According to one of POTUS45’s favorite “Fake News” sources, the cost of one F-35 fighter plane is about 94.6 million dollars.
P.S. In case you are history-challenged and don’t know which war POTUS45 is talking about, it’s the one that ended on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.
Saw this recently on It pretty much explains why some are fans of the MAGA. Huckster. They do not realize that in the real world You Can’t Go Home Again.
My dad is a huge Trump supporter. He’s also 80 years old. He watches VHS taped movies because he can’t get a digital tv signal where he lives. He has never used a computer and didn’t own a telephone until the early 1990s.
It’s easy to look back in time and reflect on a simpler era. Back in the 1980s, OJ Simpson was a football player, Bill Cosby was America’s favorite dad, gay people didn’t exist, Muslims were the freedom fighters whooping the Soviets in Afghanistan, and Hulk Hogan got big muscles by drinking milk.
None of that was true. Add another 30 years to that.
Life in the 1950s seems so quaint. Everyone seems so happy on the Andy Griffith Show or Leave it to Beaver. Sure, minorities didn’t have rights, women were treated like property by their husbands, and gay people were considered criminals.
America was great in the 1950s due to the simple fact that none of our factories or homes had been destroyed during World War II. Everything from washing machines to tv screens, toasters and ovens, trains, planes and automobiles were all made in America. No other country had the ability to make consumer products like America in the 1950s.
Having no competition also made American businesses complacent. Ford, Chevy and Chrysler began investing in non-automotive industries that often didn’t make money. Unions demanded and received lavish contracts because people had to buy an American car. Zenith made television sets that doubled as furniture.
It was only a matter of time before someone else would make a car that wasn’t the size of a whale, a TV set that wasn’t as big as the kitchen table, and a refrigerator that wasn’t olive green or harvest gold.
For many older white male voters like my father, Trump is the only politician who “gets it.†They truly believe that Trump is the man who will return America to 1950s greatness.
Unless Trump starts a nuclear world war that demolishes every other country except America, there will never be another time in world history where America manufacturers everything.
Fake News??
Posted on Twitter at 7:49 PM – 11 May 2018:
Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump
Why doesn’t the Fake News Media state that the Trump Administration’s Anti-Trust Division has been, and is, opposed to the AT&T purchase of Time Warner in a currently ongoing Trial. Such a disgrace in reporting!
Extract from msn news feed containing Washington Post article from 11 May 2018 edition:
…The documents detail the full scope of Cohen’s $600,000 deal with AT&T and how his contract specified that he would provide advice on the $85 billion merger, which required the approval of federal antitrust regulators. Trump had voiced opposition to the merger during the presidential campaign, and his administration ultimately opposed the AT&T effort. The Justice Department filed suit in November to block the deal, and that case is pending….
More reporting about this from the Fake News Media:
By Cecilia Kang, April 19, 2018
WASHINGTON — AT&T’s chief executive, Randall Stephenson, on Thursday attacked the Justice Department’s lawsuit to block its merger with Time Warner, saying that a combined company would be no different from the Silicon Valley giants that make and distribute video content….
There’s much more from the “Fake News” gang on this subject. Do a Google Search for “AT&T Time Warner.” You may even find some Fox News reporting on this subject that predates the POTUS45 Tweet.
Best Beer in the World
I was in a local cafe this past weekend that advertised one of their beers as “The Best Beer in the World.” As I recall the price for a glass of this beer was $7.00. Looking further down the menu of beers on tap that day, there was another beer from a different brewer priced at $16.00 per glass. Guess maybe that must be the “Best Beer in the Universe!
Everyone has their own opinion regarding which beers are the best. However, for those of us who hail from Southwestern PA, on 19 May 2006 the once “Best Beer in the World” was turned into one of the “Worst Beers in the World.”