A special day for all the Moms. If not for her, you wouldn’t be reading this, so do something special for Mom today.
New Blue Theme
OK…the new theme is now done (I think!). Its actually the old theme with a few new colors and some CSS cleanup. Still not a Web 2.0 look to it, but as the badge in the upper left corner says, it is “100% Web 1.5 Guaranteed.”
Whoops! Internet Explorer 7.0 doesn’t like it. Back to the drawing board. Looks like I made the sidebars too wide.
Follow up: Well it wasn’t the the sidebar widths. It was how I was using the CSS float directives to position the <div>’s that encapsulate the sidebars. Always an adventure when designing a site with a fluid width without resorting to the evil <table> construct.
Anyway, the view seems to be working in both Firefox 2 and Internet Explorer 7 now. Hope it is at least semi-readable in other versions and other browsers.
Yes I know it is
A mess…I’m in the middle of changing the theme, so it will look a bit better soon.
The Big Yellow Wagon
Many of you have no doubt heard of, or maybe even had, a “Little Red Wagon” at some point in your life. Well, I’ve gone upscale. I now have a “Big Yellow Wagon.” The wagon’s load capacity is rated at 1200 pounds. I have no plans to ever find out if this is indeed true, but I do know that it can carry two Jack Russell Terriers whose combined weight is about 35 pounds.
Suburban Renewal
Yet another new megabucks house going up in the neighborhood.
The Tree
Spring…time to get the trees thinned out and pruned up a bit!