Santa stopped by our house last night and left a bunch of presents. But all I got was a bag of Coal! 🙁
Christmas Eve 2006
Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night!
Blue, Part II
A few days ago, I did a post about my adventures while installing a Bluetooth® adapter on my PC. Well, I’m glad to report that the Bluetooth interface® to the Motorola RAZR V3rTM phone is now working fine on both my desktop and laptop PCs.
So on to the next adventure…
A Christmas Carol
I got this in an email from my brother, who like me, was born and raised in the Pittsburgh, PA area…and he still lives there.
Isn’t it scary to think that people like me who have been gone from there for many, many years now, still understand all this…and still have hints of this in their speech?
A Pittsburgh Christmas Carol
Yinz better wahtch aht,
Yinz better not paht,
Yinz better not cry,
I’m tellin yinz hauscome,
Santa Clause is commin’ dahntahn.
He’s makin’ a list,
He’s checkin’ it aht,
He’s gowen find aht who’s nebby an ‘at,
Santa Clause is commin’ dahntahn.
He knows if yinz es a jaggoff,
He can see inside your haus,
He knows if you’ve been workin’ hard,
Or sittin’ on your caach.
Yinz better wahtch aht,
Yinz better not paht,
Yinz better not cry,
I’m tellin yinz hauscome,
Santa Clause is commin’ dahntahn!…..
My wife has been wanting to upgrade her cell phone to one that has a built-in camera. So I figured I would get her a new phone as an early Christmas present. So, off we went to local purveyor of fine cell phones and returned with a brand new Motorola RAZRTM V3r. The “r” in the V3r denotes the color, which is “Metallic Red.” And since the phone is Bluetooth® compatible, she also got one of those wireless speakers you see hanging on many people’s ears these days.
End of story? Well not quite….
The Big Box has A New Feature
Check out the new and improved Big Box. You can now view the content of the Big Box in addition to viewing random selections.
Just click on “Empty the Big Box” in in the popup containing the random image.