Once again a good time was had by all, including our friend Pat, who couldn’t make it last year due to illness. This was Pat’s 30th year at the JITH.
View pictures from this and prior year’s Jamborees.
JITH 2010
Not really, we just like the name…
Once again a good time was had by all, including our friend Pat, who couldn’t make it last year due to illness. This was Pat’s 30th year at the JITH.
View pictures from this and prior year’s Jamborees.
Spent last Thursday through Sunday at the Jamboree in the Hills in Morristown, Ohio. The crowd was smaller than usual this year. Might be due to the the gradual decline in the number of big name acts over the years, coupled with the increases in ticket prices and the current state of the economy.
Once again a good time was had by all, except for an hour or so when the venue got hit by one of those nasty Ohio Valley rain storms. And it was unseasonably cold and cloudy.
One sad note was that our friend Pat, who was the one in our group who has attended the most Jamborees over the years couldn’t make it this year due to illness. We really missed him and are looking forward to his return next year.
View pictures from this and prior year’s Jamborees.
We just got back for our annual trek to the Jamboree in the Hills in Morristown, Ohio. The crowd was smaller than usual this year. Might be due to the over $4.00 per-gallon cost of gasoline and maybe the gradual decline in the number of big name acts over the years, coupled with the increases in ticket prices.
But once again a good time was had by all, except for an hour or two on Sunday afternoon when the venue got hit by one of those nasty Ohio Valley thunderstorms.
Going tomorrow on the annual trek to the Jamboree in the Hills (JITH). The JITH takes place the third weekend of July every year in Morristown, OH, which is about 20 miles West of Wheeling, WV.
Been to the JITH every year since 1984. Every year I say no more…but alway manage to be talked back in to going!
Have more fun, but…
Tuesday, July 30, 2002
Jamboree in the Hills…been there, done that for this year. It was hot and there were too many people. Of course I say this every year and still go back year after year…18 years so far..
Do blonds really have more fun? Latest Blond Joke I heard goes something like this:
Three pregnant women were discussing the moment of conception. The redhead says” I was on the bottom, so I’m going to have a boy!” The brunette says: “I was on top, so I’m going to have a girl!” The blonde starts crying. The other two ask: “What’s wrong?” The blond replies: “I’m going to have puppies!”
Next weekend…
Its been a while since I last made an entry, so guess I better say something profound! So, here it is: “There’s always someone ahead of you in the dumb line!”
Next weekend, we’re going to the “Jamboree in the Hills” in St. Clairesville, OH, which is right across the border from Wheeling, WVA. Been doing this since 1983. Its always the third weekend in July.