Would You Believe?

Mega HouseThat this house is worth $1.2 million?  It is a new house and has been on the market now for about six months.  There used to be a vintage 1957 one-story rambler on the lot.  The rambler was torn down and replaced by this.  You can’t see it on the picture, but part of the house sits on the original 50-year old foundation.  And, the contractor did not even bother to replace the original driveway.  They just patched the sections that were damaged during the construction.

And, although the neighborhood this house is located in is well-kept, guess what?  About 99.99% of the surrounding houses are more of those “vintage 1957” one-story ramblers!  But the house is within walking distance of the DC Metro station here in Vienna, VA…so maybe that might be worth $1.2 million to somebody.

megahouse070215-1.jpgHere is another view of the house showing where the contractor patched the old driveway rather than pouring a new one.