Going Up, Part X

504stephen_20110522_03 The siding was completed this week.  It’s been raining quite a bit during the last two weeks, so it took a while to get the all the siding installed. 

I’ve not had the opportunity to get a look at the interior lately, but I do  know that the hardwood flooring and kitchen cabinets have been installed.

504stephen_20110522_05this is a close-up of the stone façade at the left of the garage door.  The stone work is meant to simulate dry-stone.  The stone veneer is attached to the vertical surface using mortar.  No mortar is used between the stones, thus giving the appearance that the stones are “dry-stacked.”  The following pictures illustrate this technique.



That’s it for now, more to come soon…

Going Up, Part IX

504stephen_20110507_03we will no longer be able to show progress on the interior on a regular basis.   The doors are now locked or blocked in some other fashion during non-working hours.  The last time we saw the interior, all the wallboard had been installed and finished.  And there were pallets of wood trim (baseboards, wainscoting, etc.) sitting on the floor waiting to be installed.

Work started this week on the stone veneer trim for the front porch.  Other exterior finishing work completed this week included installation of the garage door.  

The exterior as of May 7th.







That’s all for now, more to come soon.