The Color Purple, Part II

So why does my blog have a purple theme?   Well maybe its because:

  • I like the color purple
  • Or maybe I was inspired by The Color Purple
  • Or it could be that Barney is my hero
  • Or I might be color-blind
  • Or, as some have implied, I’m a Web 2.0 WannaBe and believe all the hype about using flashy color combinations
  • Or maybe I have a thing for Purple Cows
  • Or maybe because once upon a time I read this Zane Grey novel
  • Or maybe it was because I did some searches on Google and got 1,200,000,000 hits for Red, 941,000,000 hits for Blue and only 9,250,000 hits for Purple…and I decided to help Purple bump up its Google Ranking.
  • Or it could possibly be because of this or this.
  • Or maybe even one of these.

Or maybe the real reason is…

Virginia is for Purple

A recent Washington Post article claimed Virginia is now a Purple State.  And, a few days later they ran a follow-up article about the changing face of Virginia.  

Well here is the motivation for the change in the site’s theme and layout….boring but true.  If you’ve been to before, you might recall that there were two sites in the domain.  One was , which was initially built using a Content Management System CMS) called Mambo and later changed to use the Joomla! CMS.  The other was, which uses the WordPress personal publishing system (fancy name for blogging).

I finally got tired of trying to maintain both the CMS and Blog sites, so I decided to combine them into one, and to use WordPress as the basic framework as I really did not need a full-out CMS.  And, I already had a CMS site that meets all my needs at HR’s Industrial Strength Portal.

So, lf you link to either or, you will get what you see here.  And I did, in fact, attempt to give the site a Web 2.0 (or at least Web 1.5) look and feel.

And its purple because…

3 thoughts on “The Color Purple, Part II”

  1. Nice job! You are a fabulous writer, Harry. And, it’s great that you are finding your WordPress site so comfortable and have learned to adapt it to the point that you could put away the Mambo site. I think WP is great.

    BTW – those are Web 2.0 links, you have up there, too. I read how you are supposed to do little links now, like you have done. So, those links should help your ratings, too.

    All you have to do now, Harry, is figure out how to be mashable. You need to make an API to your BIG BOX. Once you publish your API and your collection start traveling the blogisphere, then you’ll really be Web 2.0! Next, the semantic web …yes, Harry, we still have to figure out how to get to Web 3.0.

    At some point, I want off the bus. 🙂

    Site looks great! I love it. If purple is politically courteous and Virginia is there like the Post says, I hope you lead us all into that world. After six years of divisiveness, we need families to come together and sit peacefully at Thanksgiving meals this year. Will be great when their military members are seated with them, too.

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