Chuck Taylor All-Stars

My New Converse All Stars® -- Side View My New Converse All Stars® -- Rear View When I was a kid, it seems like every time I got a new pair of sneakers (or as we called them back then, tennies or basketball shoes), they were Converse Chuck Taylor All-Stars®. They were high-tops and were made from canvas rather than leather. You had a wide range of color choices – black or white.
A few weeks back, I noticed that my sneakers were starting to fall apart, so I decided to go shopping for a new pair. I was browsing through the Converse web site. You can still get Chuck Taylor All-Stars. They now have both cloth and leather models and they now come in a wide array of colors. But I was looking for something more “up to date” and after some searching around, I found the shoes shown in the picture. They’re not Chuck Taylors…but they are named after another guy who made somewhat of a name for himself in the basketball world in the 1970’s and early 1980’s…his name is Dr. J.

Flowers and Dogs

Black-Eyed Susans Terrible Terriers at restWhat do Black-Eyed Susans and Dogs have in common? Probably nothing. But I took these pictures a few days ago and thought they were pretty neat. So I figured I might as well do something with them rather than just filing them away and forgetting about them.
The Black Eyed Susans are growing along the fence line of our back yard. They must like it there, as they continue to multiply year after year.
As those of you who have visited here or in the past probably know, we have two Jack Russell Terriers named Gunston (bottom) and Piggy (top) who think they are in charge of things around here. Although they have that laid-back look in the picture, I can assure you that everything you hear about Jacks being high-energy dogs is certainly true for this pair.

The Neighbor’s Big House

The house next door - 29 July 2006 HR's House - 29 July 2006
The house next door is just about complete now. The contractor’s foreman said they plan on scheduling the county and town inspections for the house in the next week or so. The property still has to be graded and decorative bricks need to be laid in the driveway. Once that’s done and inspected, the occupancy permit will be issued. There’s one potential problem though. The county just realized that many of the new homes built in the past few years have exceeded the height requirement (maximum of 35 feet) for residential zoning. They will grandfather houses that are already occupied, but for those awaiting final inspection, they plan on strict enforcement of the 35 foot maximum height. If the house exceeds the maximum height requirement, an occupancy permit will not be issued. Fixing the problem could run into the thousands of dollars, depending on the design of the house and the amount of rework needed to bring the house into compliance with the zoning ordinance.
The crux of the problem is that the present zoning ordinance is ambiguous about the height measurement technique. Contractors have been using the average height as the measurement; the county insists that the measurement be taken at the highest peak of the house. I can see the contractor’s sharks (aka lawyers) circling this one as I speak. And they might even win since the zoning ordinance is ambiguous and the county has been approving all the plans and drawings for these non-compliant houses for a long time now without objecting to the height.
The lower picture is of my one-story vintage late 1950’s brick rambler, which is dwarfed by the huge “McMansion” now sitting next door!

Old Ideas, New Technology

Charles Babbage is widely credited coming up with the idea of programmable computers. His idea was sound but the supporting technologies needed to make programmable computers a practical reality were not yet available. Now fast-forward to the mid-20thcentury. In the 1940s and early1950s, the work of von Neumann, Eckert, Mauchly and others resulted in programmable computers using vacuum tubes as the basic building block for making binary decisions (current flow allowed=1, current flow blocked=0). Vacuum tube computers were huge, expensive devices that filled rooms, or even floors, of a building. In addition, they generated massive amounts of heat.

In the 1950’s, the transistor came into widespread use as the basic building block for binary switching. It was orders of magnitude smaller than the vacuum tubes it replaced and consumed a lot less power. Therefore, programmable computer designers could package much more processing power per square inch/cm into an equivalent amount of space as was consumed by the old vacuum tube models. In addition, instead filling up rooms, computers now shared rooms with other computers.

In the mid-1960s, integrated circuits began to appear in products and eventually resulted in the “computer on a chip” that contains millions of transistors, again making orders of magnitude strides in both processing power per square inch/cm and power consumption.

So do we really have new ideas? Or, do advances in technology act as enablers for ideas that may have been floating around for centuries?

Think about this while you are sitting in front of your von Neumann/Eckert/Mauchly/Babbage machine.

Standards and the Real World

While attempting to get my site to pass the W3C validation for compliance with the XHTML 1.0 Strict Standard, I encountered a classic “Theory versus Practice” issue. The target attribute available in prevous versions of the standard is no longer valid. This is a well-known issue and Google will find many hits on the subject. Here’s one example that more or less explains the rationale for the target attribute’s demise.

So, what does one do in order to have this capability in XHTML Strict 1.0? One writes a JavaScript to perform the function. Fine, you say. But do a Google and you will find many different JavaScript’s with many different approaches to providing this capability. So much for a standard way of doing things.

In addition, what do the majority of the “experts” say about this? Mostly, they do a cope out and say if you really must have this capability and you do not want to use JavaScript, you can always revert to the XHTML 1.0 Transitional Standard, which still allows use of the target attribute.

In case you are wondering why I’m making such a big deal of this, I’ve been using the target attribute for years now to control whether a new page loads on top of the current page or the browser opens a new window to display the new page. I’ve used the convention for years now that if the new page is in my domain (i.e., part of my site), I load it on top of the current page and if the new page is from an external domain, I open it in a new window.

This is especially annoying to me now that browsers with page tabs are available (e.g., Firefox) that allow one to take maximum advantage of the now “banned” target attribute.

So what did I do to solve my problem? I downloaded a JavaScript from the Internet that uses the rel attribute to direct where a page loads (e.g., use rel and set it to rel=”external” instead of using target=”_blank”. Works fine but now I have to constantly do hacks to the code generated by the WordPress Editor as it uses the target attribute.

I guess the old phrase “Standards are written to be Broken” I first heard years ago is still valid!


New Look

I’ve been meaning to figure out how to use WordPress widgets to make administration of the site’s sidebar contents a little easier. Well, today I finally burned a few brain cells and after much trial and error, figured out how to work with widgets…and actualy wrote a new one myself. The really neat thing about widgets is that once you get them working, you can switch your site to another theme and the widgets keep on trucking…they are reusable in the true sense of the word 😉

And, I’ve also been meaning to update the site’s look and feel for a long time now, so did that too. I’m using a theme called Barthelme, which was originally done by a fellow named Scott Wallick. I’ve made a few minor tweaks to it to meet my needs but what you see here is basically the result of Scott’s fine work. It is a very well designed theme and a big thanks to Scott for making it available to all via the GPL. You can learn more about Scott here.

Let me know what you like (or dislike) about the new look here at HR’s halfVAST Blog.
