Mud on the Tires

Well, I survived one more Jamboree in the Hills. But did get a little “Mud on the Tires.” It rained quite a bit last Thursday and the parking area was a sea of mud. The locals were making lots of money pulling cars out of the muck. Lucky for me that I have a 4-wheel drive pickup truck!

If you are interested in seeing pictures from this and prior year’s Jamborees, take a look here .


Leaving this Thursday on my annual pilgrimage to the Jamboree in the Hills (JITH) in Morristown, OH, which is about 15 miles west of Wheeling, WV.

Once there, we all sit around on a hillside, consume copious amounts of beer and occasionally actually listen to the music. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the JITH and will be the 23rd straight year I’ve been there.

I guess old habits are hard to break, or maybe I am just plain stupid for wanting to sit around in the hot sun drinking beer with country music blaring away in the background!


Its been raining big-time here in the DC area for three days now and no end in sight. This morning part of the Metro subway was taken out of service due to flooding in the tunnels and portions of the Beltway have been closed due to mudslides.

And the new home construction site next door to me has turned into a sea of mud and is dumping silt into the neighborhood storm drains which were recently adorned with cute little “Save the Chesapeake Bay” plaques.

Aunt Marg

My Aunt Margaret passed away a few days ago.  She was 89 years old and was the last surviving  member of my Dad’s immediate family.  I’ll always remember Aunt Marg for the hot pot of fresh coffee that was present in her kitchen no matter what the time of day or night…and her ever-present good-natured smile and warm heart.