Yellow Snow

Back in the day, the late, great Frank Zappa used to sing “Watch out where the huskies go, and don’t you eat that yellow snow.”  Well, we had some snow this past Tuesday.  The temperature has been below freezing since then so the ground is still covered with snow.  I have two dogs.  When I look out on my back yard, it brings back fond memories of the late night “Frank Zappa Festivals” one of the local radio stations used to broadcast every Friday.

A Christmas Carol

I got this in an email from my brother, who like me, was born and raised in the Pittsburgh, PA area…and he still lives there.  

Isn’t it scary to think that people like me who have been gone from there for many, many years now, still understand all this…and still have hints of this in their speech?

A Pittsburgh Christmas Carol

Yinz better wahtch aht,
Yinz better not paht,
Yinz better not cry,
I’m tellin yinz hauscome,
Santa Clause is commin’ dahntahn.
He’s makin’ a list,
He’s checkin’ it aht,
He’s gowen find aht who’s nebby an ‘at,
Santa Clause is commin’ dahntahn.
He knows if yinz es a jaggoff,
He can see inside your haus,
He knows if you’ve been workin’ hard,
Or sittin’ on your caach.
Yinz better wahtch aht,
Yinz better not paht,
Yinz better not cry,
I’m tellin yinz hauscome,
Santa Clause is commin’ dahntahn!…..

The Big Box has A New Feature

Check out the new and improved Big Box. You can now view the content of the Big Box in addition to viewing random selections.

Just click on “Empty the Big Box” in in the popup containing the random image.

The Color Purple, Part II

So why does my blog have a purple theme?   Well maybe its because:

  • I like the color purple
  • Or maybe I was inspired by The Color Purple
  • Or it could be that Barney is my hero
  • Or I might be color-blind
  • Or, as some have implied, I’m a Web 2.0 WannaBe and believe all the hype about using flashy color combinations
  • Or maybe I have a thing for Purple Cows
  • Or maybe because once upon a time I read this Zane Grey novel
  • Or maybe it was because I did some searches on Google and got 1,200,000,000 hits for Red, 941,000,000 hits for Blue and only 9,250,000 hits for Purple…and I decided to help Purple bump up its Google Ranking.
  • Or it could possibly be because of this or this.
  • Or maybe even one of these.

Or maybe the real reason is…

Continue reading “The Color Purple, Part II”