9/11 + 20

It’s been 7,305 days since I watched the Pentagon burning through the office window – two wars and billions of “borrowed” dollars gone down the rabbit hole – Al Qaeda, Taliban, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Arab Spring, NSA, ISIS, Syria, Iran, a mob storming the US Capitol, and the recent inglorious end to the United States longest war.  We are still in the midst of the worst Pandemic the world has seen since 1918.  And the USA is still awash in cultural and political hate and discontent!

The more things change, the more they stay the same!

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

While doing some maintenance on one of my websites, I found some stuff for the year 1987 in HR’s List that voters in this years Presidential Election should consider:

  • 1987, #37 – Blaming everybody else does not imply you are perfect.
  • 1987, #40 – Denouncing those who disagree with you is one way to cover your incompetence.

And I found one other that those who lust for power should remember:

  • 1987, #43 – Always remember that the “Man Who Would Be King” ended up losing his head. (courtesy R. Kipling)