I’m Responsive But …

HR’s halfVAST Blog now has a responsive design, which basically means it looks semi-decent when displayed across a wide range of devices (desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones).

Why, you ask, did I say it looks “semi-decent?”  Well, the display of more recent content is just fine; however, this site has content that dates back to 1997.  In terms of Internet time, that’s back in the days when dinosaurs roamed the net.  The content display was controlled by parameters hard-coded into the HTML statements rather than CSS files.

So here we sit, with older content that does not conform to the rules we set for our responsive design. To make this content conform, we have no choice but to edit each page one by one as we find those that break our responsive design model, or let them stay as is and put up with a “semi-decent” display.  Here at HR’s halfVAST Blog, we have taken the latter approach.