The United States entry into WWII started 68 years ago today with the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor
Category: Blog
Random stuff about HR and his world…
The Reconstruction
A month or so ago, I made a blog entry about the water damage to our basement bathroom and the collateral damage incurred during the plumbing repairs. I’m now happy to report that the collateral damage has been repaired and that our homeowner’s insurance did indeed cover over 90% of the cost of the repairs.
The hole in the bathroom wall is now gone and new vanity lights, a new medicine cabinet (behind mirror), sink and vanity have been installed. The bathroom walls and ceiling have been repainted and the old ceiling fan/light has been replaced.
The outer wall has been repaired and repainted. Note that this time an access panel has been installed to provide access to the drain system without having to cut through the wall.
Don’t Forget
Today is the eighth anniversary of the September 11th Attacks. As I sit here composing this post, it brings back vivid memories of that day. And a reminder that our military is still fighting two wars related to the events of that day. One can endlessly debate the pros and cons of our involvement in these wars, but we all need to remember the sacrifices our military folks are making on behalf of their country. Next time you see a Soldier, Sailor, Airman or Marine, give them a big "Thank You." Or if you are the shy type, at least a smile!
Never Forget!
Water, Water, Everywhere

I wonder what the odds are for multiple concurrent failures in the same "subsystem" of a house’s plumbing? It almost seems like these were carefully planned premeditated events! Or maybe part of a government initiative to stimulate the economy by increasing the demand for plumbing services, i.e., the plumbing industry’s equivalent of the current government-funded "Cash for Clunkers" program for the automotive industry.
Next up is a visit by my homeowner insurance company’s claims adjuster. I bet that will be a fun time.
Jamboree in the Hills, 2009
Spent last Thursday through Sunday at the Jamboree in the Hills in Morristown, Ohio. The crowd was smaller than usual this year. Might be due to the the gradual decline in the number of big name acts over the years, coupled with the increases in ticket prices and the current state of the economy.
Once again a good time was had by all, except for an hour or so when the venue got hit by one of those nasty Ohio Valley rain storms. And it was unseasonably cold and cloudy.
One sad note was that our friend Pat, who was the one in our group who has attended the most Jamborees over the years couldn’t make it this year due to illness. We really missed him and are looking forward to his return next year.
View pictures from this and prior year’s Jamborees.
Happy Birthday
to the USA. 233 years old today and starting to show its age!