A few weeks back, I noticed that my sneakers were starting to fall apart, so I decided to go shopping for a new pair. I was browsing through the Converse web site. You can still get Chuck Taylor All-Stars. They now have both cloth and leather models and they now come in a wide array of colors. But I was looking for something more “up to date” and after some searching around, I found the shoes shown in the picture. They’re not Chuck Taylors…but they are named after another guy who made somewhat of a name for himself in the basketball world in the 1970’s and early 1980’s…his name is Dr. J.
First of all, lucky me! Please add 3 and 0 … I can do that!
I am happy for you that you were able to find your shoes! My son – who is nearly 16 has black leather converse just like those. Glad to see you back to this template (skin?) – I like it! Oh, I keep forgetting to complement you on your propeller hat, too. 🙂