Lazy Day

The weather is great here this morning. The temperature is 78° F and the humidity is 54%, which is unusual this time of year. It is usually in the high 90’s with unbearable humidity this time of year.

I’m sitting on the deck watching the two Jacks running around the back yard keeping our little piece of the world safe from rampaging squirrels and other miscellaneous small rodents.

I’m typing this on my trusty Dell Inspiron 8500 laptop running on battery power…and hoping the battery doesn’t burst into flame. My battery is not on Dell’s recall list so maybe I’m just being paranoid!

I just published a new “About HR” page which is probably too long and too boring for most to read, but it’s there if you have the stamina to slog through it.

Well, that’s about it for now…the battery is running low and I have a bunch of stuff to get done today…see you all later.

Have a nice day in your part of the world…

3 thoughts on “Lazy Day”

  1. Yeah you know Harry, I still got this Apple PowerBook I use at times and made fun this week with my brother who is in the Navy and has a Dell Laptop. Told him that they probaly will think that he is a terrorist when that thing goes off.

    Now I can put my food in my mouth! Apple is now the weapon of choice for terroists too. Why building bombs if you can just take a Dell or Apple Laptop with you … 🙂

  2. I keep forgetting to check if my dell battery is on the list. What exactly is supposed to happen? Should I have a camera handy? I don’t know why you are worried; it’s not a snake!

  3. The battery bursts into flame and the smell of the burning laptop attracts any snakes within a 10 square mile area.

    But not to worry…your local fire department will probably arrive before the snakes…or are those things that look like fire hoses really snakes in disguise??

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