What Can Brown Do For You Today?

Well, they did something for my wife yesterday. She had the unpleasant experience of getting her car bashed by one of Brown’s‘ trucks. She was about four blocks from home when she collided with a UPS Truck. Fortunately, it was a low-speed encounter and nobody was injured as a result of the accident. The truck ended up with a few dents on its bumper. My wife’s car (a Ford Escape) ended up with the front left side bashed in and had to be towed to the local body shop, where it now sits awaiting its fate at the hands of the insurance adjuster.

2 thoughts on “What Can Brown Do For You Today?”

  1. What’s wrong with this picture?

    An agent of Brown’s insurance company called my wife yesterday to talk about the accident. The agent did not know that his client was UPS until my wife casually mentioned it during the conversation.

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