There’s no doubt he’s in Doggy Heaven running the fence line; barking at passing motorcycles.
One detail he forgot to mention was that Gunny did not waste his time chasing after any old motorcycle. He was a Harley aficionado!
Gunny was known by everyone, including his Veterinarian, as the “Wonder Dog.” Early in life he contracted a canine autoimmune disease known as Pemphigus. He almost died from the disease, but made a miraculous recovery once he was put on a steroid regimen. Even with the steroids he was not expected to have a normal lifespan, but he fooled everybody and lived a great doggy life for 13 years.
Farewell Gunny, we will miss you more than you can ever imagine….
RIP Gunston, 01 February 2001 – 12 May 2014.