The Popularity Contest

I am constantly amazed by people who base their decision about who to vote for as President of the US based on their like or dislike of the Presidential candidate’s running mate.

I cringe everything I hear or read statements such as:

“If Hillary was the VP candidate, I know I would then vote for Obama.”

or conversely:

“I really like Sarah Palin, so my vote is going to McCain.”

Unless I missed an amendment to the Constitution somewhere along the way, I think the President is still the Chief Executive and that the buck still stops in the Oval Office at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington,DC USA, not in the VP’s office.  While VPs have no doubt provided advice and counsel to their bosses over the years, the fact remains that as Chief Executive, the President is the ultimate decision-maker.   And, in my opinion, the important issue here is which Presidential candidate is best qualified to lead the country over the next four years, not whether one likes or dislikes the VP candidate.