Suburban Renewal

Most of the homes in our neighborhood were built between 1957 and 1961.  Some were all brick and some were a combination of brick and asbestos shingles.  Over the years most have had the asbestos shingles replaced by aluminum or vinyl siding.  Until a couple of weeks ago, there was one remaining house in the neighborhood with the original asbestos siding.  The green shingles on the front are the to see larger image

And here is what the house looks like now that it has been covered with new vinyl siding.

click here to see larger image 

One of the other distinctive features of these mid-20th century houses was the pink and blue tile in the bathrooms.  Most of that has been replaced over the years but there are still a few around with the original pink and blue decor.

And another piece of trivia about these houses is that the two-by-four lumber used for framing actually measures 2-inches by 4-inches, rather than today’s 1.5-inch by 3.5-inch “two-by-four” wannabes!